Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Artificial Intelligence Research

The first thing i notice about this article is the amount of money the grant is for.  25 million dollars is a lot of money to be spending, especially in a time where money is scarce across the country due to the past decade's financial downturn.  As i read through this article i realized that this technology is already all around me and its just a matter or time until it plays a further roll in my life.  I am somewhat wary of this technology, as movies like the Terminator and The Matrix have played out scenerios where machines run by A.I. have taken over the world.  Yes, I do realize this is Hollywood, but whose to say something couldnt happen?  I do find the research of neurobiology, engineering, and intelligence interesting and do believe that the research is beneficial.  I beleive the government has invested money and time in reasearch of A.I., just take the drone program for example.  The governement does a pretty good job of keeping the most innovative technology to itself, and i believe this will be the case with A.I. as well.

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